
Terre des hommes Romania is establishing mobile teams to provide emergency help to refugees from Ukraine, both at the border crossings and other locations where refugees are relocated/accommodated. We hire: Mobile Team Leaders Nurses (Asistenti/e medicali/e) Social Workers Psychologists...
Terre des hommes is looking for a proactive, energetic, and organised Project Officer, to join its team in Bacau, to support in the implementation of its projects. If you are looking for a meaningful job that will make a lasting impact on the lives of children, we want to meet you.
                                                    Goal and objectives The overall objective of the project was to ensure that children have access to fair and quality education by supporting and implementing measures to prevent early school dropout. Other measures considered are those who...
Terre des hommes is looking for a proactive and dynamic professional to join the team in Bucharest. The successful candidate speaks English and Romanian fluently, holds a relevant degree in accounting or finance and has well-honed experience in small to medium grants management.
Terre des hommes Romania is recruiting a Project Manager to coordinate ACTIV and PROMISE projects. The ideal candidate has experience in child protection, education, social protection and/or development aid. If you are looking for a meaningful job that will make a lasting impact on the lives of...
                                                            Scop și obiective Obiectivul general al proiectului este de a asigura accesul copiilor la educație echitabilă și de calitate prin sprijinirea și implementarea de măsuri de prevenire a abandonului școlar. Alte măsuri avute în vedere sunt...
Terre des hommes is looking for a proactive, energetic, and organised Finance and Admin Officer, to join its team in Bucharest, to support in the implementation of its projects. If you are looking for a meaningful job that will make a lasting impact on the lives of children, we want to meet you.
Terre des hommes Romania is recruiting a Project Manager to coordinate the initiative “NOROC in Educatie”. The ideal candidate has experience in child protection, education, social protection and/or development aid. If you are looking for a meaningful job that will make a lasting impact on the...
Proiectul Solidarity Fablab (Fabrication Laboratory) de la Târgu Ocna a propus o serie de activități care au cultivat abilitățile antreprenoriale (mai ales tehnice, digitale și IT) ale tinerilor din zonă, sprijinindu-i astfel în intrarea lor pe piața muncii. Proiectul implementat de Fundația Terre...
Violence is one of the biggest threats that children face, harming their physical and mental health, with  a large proportion of cases of violence occuring in schools. It is therefore necessary to bring about positive changes around gender-based violence in schools, in terms of attitudes and...
  Goal   Terre des hommes Romania, Terre des hommes Moldova and Terre des hommes Ukraine implement CASTLE together with Babeș-Bolyai-Cluj University (coordinator), Ukrainian Institute for Social Research after Oleksandr Yaremenko and the Academy of Economic Studies of Moldova.   CASTLE will...
Fundatia Terre des hommes angajeaza 4 Monitori Sportivi in cadrul proiectului PRECISION „Promovarea reabilitării, abilitarea copiilor și sprijinirea tinerilor delincvenți". Minorii și tinerii din centrele educative și de detenție din Romania au dreptul la o șansă pentru viitor. Terre des hommes (...
Fundatia Terre des hommes angajeaza Psiholog in cadrul proiectului PRECISION „Promovarea reabilitării, abilitarea copiilor și sprijinirea tinerilor delincvenți". Minorii și tinerii din centrele educative și de detenție din Romania au dreptul la o șansă pentru viitor. Terre des hommes (Tdh)...
Fundatia Terre des hommes angajeaza Asistent Social in cadrul proiectului PRECISION „Promovarea reabilitării, abilitarea copiilor și sprijinirea tinerilor delincvenți". Minorii și tinerii din centrele educative și de detenție din Romania au dreptul la o șansă pentru viitor. Terre des hommes (Tdh)...
Terre des hommes is looking for a proactive, energetic, and organised Logistics & Administrative Officer, to join its team in Bucharest, Romania, to support in the implementation of its projects. If you are looking for a meaningful job that will make a lasting impact on the lives of children,...
Terre des hommes Romania is recruiting a Programme Manager to lead the initiatives for ‘Access to Justice’(A2J) programme at country level. The ideal candidate has strong experience in criminal justice, child protection, social protection and/or development aid.  If you are looking for a...
Terre des hommes is looking for a proactive, energetic, and organised Monitoring & Evaluation Officer, to join its team in Bucharest, Romania, to support in the implementation of its projects.