Terre des hommes Regional Hub in Budapest is looking for a Regional Program Coordinator Access to Justice to lead the development of the program in the European context.
Send your application as soon as possible. The job remains open until position is filled.
Terre des hommes is recruiting a proactive, energetic, and organised Logistics Manager. S/he will join the team in Bucharest, to support in the implementation of the emergency project dedicated to the Ukrainian refugees and also to the regular projects already ongoing.
If you are looking for a...
The Safeguarding Resource and Support Hub for Eastern Europe program serves organisations and people responding to the war in Ukraine. It provides practical and accessible safeguarding resources to reduce the risk of harm to those they work with.
Governments, NGOs, faith-based...
„Safeguarding Resource and Support Hub for Eastern Europe" oferă resurse practice și accesibile de garantare a siguranței cu scopul de a diminua riscul vătămării, prejudiciilor sau daunelor a tuturor celor implicați în răspunsul umanitar. Programul se adresează organizațiilor și persoanelor care...
Through this extracurricular school programme we intend to improve abilities of youth from 24 schools of 5 districts of the Republic of Moldova, in order to prepare them for the labour market. During 3 years of Joboteca, we will create friendly spaces (job libraries) where young people can...
Terre des hommes Regional Hub in Budapest is looking for a Regional Access to Justice Technical Advisor to support the development of the Access to Justice (A2J) Programme in the European context.
The main objective of the CLEAR-Rights project is ”to improve equal access to a lawyer for children suspected or accused of crime”. We will make sure that they will receive quality and specialized government-funded legal aid and pro bono legal assistance, in line with Articles 6 and 18...
Proiectul i-RESTORE 2.0 se derulează pornind de la realizările proiectului i-RESTORE (2019-2021), care s-a axat pe promovarea justiției restaurative în cazuri care implică copii victime ale infracțiunilor, și perfecționarea abilităților profesioniștilor în drept. Pe baza rezultatelor acelui...
i-RESTORE 2.0 project builds on the i-RESTORE project (2019-2021), which focused on promoting the use of restorative justice in cases involving child victims of crime and strengthening the capacities of justice professionals. Based on the results of that project, i-RESTORE 2.0 was drafted to go a...
Terre des hommes is recruiting a dedicated, energetic, and experienced Advocacy Specialist, to join its team in Bucharest, to support in the implementation of our projects.
If you are looking for a meaningful job that will make a lasting impact on the lives of children, we want to meet you.
Fundatia Terre des hommes România recrutează Soferi-Asistenti logistica pentru răspunsul de urgență la criza refugiaților, în România. Candidatul ideal are experiență în sofat categoria B.
Trimiteți aplicatia dvs. cât mai curând posibil. Pozitiile rămân deschise până la ocuparea acestora.
Terre des hommes is looking for proactive, energetic, and organised Project Officer, to join the teams in Bucharest, to support in the implementation of our activities.
If you are looking for a meaningful job that will make a lasting impact on the lives of children, we want to meet you.
Send your...
Goal and objectives
The PROMISE project aimed at enhancing the access for migrant children and young people to their fundamental rights and to public services. To this purpose, we developed various activities such as advocacy services, free legal assistance, information, training...
Scop și obiective
Proiectul PROMISE a avut în vedere creșterea accesului minorilor și tinerilor migranți la drepturile fundamentale și la servicii publice. În acest scop au fost realizate activități de advocacy, acordare de servicii de asistență juridică gratuită, informare, training...
Roving position for Ukraine emergency response
Terre des hommes is hiring an Safeguarding Ethics and Compliance Manager to support the operations and functioning of Ukraine emergency response in Hungary, Romania, and Moldova, with the implementation, reinforcement, and daily coordination of Tdh...
Terre des hommes is hiring an experienced Regional Communications and Content Manager, to join its team in Eastern Europe,
If you are looking for a meaningful job that will make a lasting impact on the lives of children, we want to meet you.
Watch Tdh impact around the world.
Deadline for the...
Terre des hommes is recruiting a dedicated, energetic, and experienced Training Officer, to join its team in Bucharest, to support in the implementation of our projects.
If you are looking for a meaningful job that will make a lasting impact on the lives of children, we want to meet you.
Terre des hommes is recruiting a National Representative for Resource and Support Hub. This is an exciting opportunity to join an impactful and exciting programme that is expanding its geography into the Eastern Europe (EE) region.
Watch Tdh impact around the world.