Terre des hommes is looking for a proactive, energetic, and organized Monitoring, Evaluation, Research and Learning (MERL) Officer, to join its team in Bucharest. The MERL Officer collects, analyses, and reports data to help Terre des hommes assess and improve its projects' progress. While no...
Terre des hommes Romania is recruiting a proactive, energetic, and organized Finance Officer, to join its team in Bucharest, to support in the implementation of its projects.
If you are looking for a meaningful job that will make a lasting impact on the lives of children and youth, we want to meet...
Terre des hommes Romania is recruiting a proactive, energetic, and organized Finance Admin INTERN, to join its team in Bucharest, to support in the implementation of its projects.
If you are looking for a meaningful experience that will make a lasting impact on the lives of children and youth, we...
Terre des hommes is recruiting a Regional A2J Programme Coordinator to lead the initiatives for ‘Access to Justice’(A2J) programme at Europe level. The ideal candidate has strong experience in criminal justice, child protection, social protection and/or development aid.
If you are looking for a...
Proiectul STEP IN consolidează capacitatea profesioniștilor care lucrează cu migranții, dar care nu sunt specializați în sănătate mintală, de a răspunde la nevoile de bază în materie de sănătate mintală.
STEP IN formează profesioniști în metodologia Problem Management+ (PM+). Este o intervenție...
Proiectul Well-U formează asistenți sociali, lucrători sociali și medicali, mediatori și profesori, educatori, profesioniști din organizații locale care lucrează zi de zi cu copii și adulți refugiați din Ucraina.
Obiectivul Well-U este de a crea un sistem integrat de sprijin adaptat nevoilor...
În România și Polonia, cele două țări pilot din proiectul IURTS (Integration of Ukrainian Refugees through Sport), profesorii de educație fizică învăță împreună activități și practici noi menite să-i ajute pe elevii ucraineni la ore. Misiunea principală este de a le oferi mai multă încredere în...
Terre des hommes Romania is recruiting a Project Manager to lead the project i-RESTORE2 in Romania. The ideal candidate has strong experience in criminal justice, child protection, social protection and/or development aid.
If you are looking for a meaningful job that will make a lasting impact on...
Terre des hommes Romania is recruiting Social Workers / Social Technicians with Arabic language skills. The ideal candidate has experience in social work interventions or, social protection, and speaks fluently Arabic.
If you are looking for a meaningful job that will make a lasting impact on...
Start date as soon as possible.
Contract local, full-time employment contract, for 8 months (maternity cover)
Location Hungary (Budapest) – preferred, or Romania (Bucharest), or Greece (Athens)
Terre des hommes Regional Hub in Budapest, Hungary is looking for a Regional Program Coordinator
Access to Justice to lead the development of the program in the European context.
Terre des hommes Romania is recruiting a Programme Manager to lead the initiatives for ‘Access to Justice’(A2J) programme at country level. The ideal candidate has strong experience in criminal justice, child protection, social protection and/or development aid.
If you are looking for a meaningful...
In 2024
We are currently working to facilitate the integration process of refugee and migrant children and adolescents of any nationality in Romania. In Bucharest and Brașov, we receive children and teenagers at the Innovation and Resilience Facility.
The RIF, as we call it in short, is a...
Terre des hommes is looking for a proactive, energetic, and organized Monitoring, Evaluation, Research and Learning (MERL) Officer, to join its team in Bucharest. The MERL Officer collects, analyzes, and reports data to help Terre des hommes assess and improve its projects' progress. While no...
Fundatia Terre des hommes angajeaza Ofiter de Proiect care sa sprijine activitatea proiectului NOROC in Educatie.
Dacă esti în căutarea unui loc de muncă cu un impact pozitiv de durată asupra vieții copiilor, dorim să te cunoaștem.
Trimiteți aplicatia dvs. cât mai curând posibil. Aplicatiile vor...
Terre des hommes is looking for a proactive, energetic, and organised Communication Officer, to join its team in Bucharest, to support in the implementation of the projects.
If you are looking for a meaningful job that will make a lasting impact on the lives of children, we want to meet you....
CARING -Contestarea normelor sociale și de gen pentru a reduce violența împotriva copiilor în școală
Pe termen scurt, cel puțin 280 de tineri și personalul școlar vor începe să conștientizeze aspectul de gen și amploarea violenței școlare prin implicarea în evaluarea inițială. Apoi, pe baza metodologiei CARING adaptate, 64 de facilitatori școlari vor pregăti 320 de profesori și persoane...
On the short term, at least 280 young people and school staff will become aware of the gender aspect and scale of school violence by being involved in the initial assessment. Then, based on the adapted CARING methodology, 64 school facilitators will train 320 school staff and management.
On the...
SUN project is aimed at safeguarding the rights of young refugees and child migrants separated from their families by applying the provisions of the EU Charter of Fundamental Rights and fostering the transnational exchange of knowledge and good practices.
The Charter of Fundamental Rights...
Proiectul SUN urmărește să protejeze drepturile copiilor refugiați sau migranți neînsoțiți sau separați de familie aplicând prevederile din Carta Drepturilor Fundamentale a Uniunii Europene și încurajând schimbul transnațional de informații în materie de cunoștințe și bune practici.