
  The Terre des hommes Foundation has opened a FabLab in Târgu Ocna, where access is granted for approximately 100 young people from the local Education Centre, students from the Technological High School and the Agent Training School. Now the teenagers will use the space in order to create ...
Fundația Terre des hommes a deschis la Târgu Ocna un FabLab, la care vor avea acces 100 de tineri de la Centrul Educativ din localitate, elevi de la Liceul Tehnologic și de la Școala de Pregătire a Agenților. FabLab-ul „Salt spre Viitor” creat în cadrul Liceului are scop educativ și a fost dotat...
La sfârșit de august au avut loc la Snagov primele cursuri pentru formatori pe tema siguranței în sport, desfășurate de către Fundația Terre des hommes, în parteneriat cu Federația Română de Fotbal și Federația Română de Gimnastică. La curs au participat în total 24 de antrenori de fotbal, de...
Fundația Terre des hommes (Tdh) a ajutat în ultimii 3 ani la dezvoltarea infrastructurii de educație din 37 de comunități dezavantajate din județul Bacău, cu scopul de a îmbunătăți condițiile de viață ale copiilor. Proiectul SHINE (Sprijin pentru infrastructura socială, de sănătate și educație) a...
Până și în aceste vremuri, școala poate fi mișto pentru toate etniile.  O serie de evenimente școlare vor fi organizate benevol de 20 profesori din toată țara în perioada următoare, pentru a demonstra acest lucru. Proiectul Mișto Avilean al Fundației Terre des hommes Romania a avut această...
  Terre des hommes is looking for an external evaluator for the project Misto Avilean ((in romani, Welcome) Migration = Integration: Service Transfer Optimisation — MISTO” funded by the European Union, “Rights, Equality and Citizenship Programme (2014-2020)” Please see the complete Terms of...
Terre des hommes in Romania is launching a Call for an agency to develop an Instagram campaign addressed to migrant children in Romania. The campaign is part of the BRIDGE project (Building Relationships through Innovative Development of Gender Based Violence Awareness in Europe).   Start Date:...
Terre des hommes in Romania is launching a Call for the creation of a video animation for the BRIDGE project (Building Relationships through Innovative Development of Gender Based Violence Awareness in Europe). Start Date: as soon as possible Location: Bucharest Eligibility: Contractor status (...
UPDATE: EXTENDED DEADLINE FOR APPLICATIONS, SEPTEMBER 22   In the context of the Joining Forces Romania initiative, Terre des hommes – Elvetia Foundation (Tdh), Save the Children Romania, SOS Children’s Villages Romania and World Vision Romania, are looking for a consultant/ team of consultants,...
Terre des hommes Foundation in Romania is launching a Call for graphic design services for materials on gender based violence. The materials are written for children, design should be adapted accordingly. Start Date: as soon as possible Location: remote Eligibility: Contractor status (registered...
Terre des hommes Foundation in Romania is launching a Call for graphic design services for materials on gender based violence. The materials are mostly written for children, some of them for adults (social care professionals), and design should be adapted accordingly.   Start Date: as soon as...
Terre des hommes in Romania is launching a Call for filming services for the BRIDGE project (Building Relationships through Innovative Development of Gender-Based Violence Awareness in Europe). Deadline to apply: September 11th 2020 Deadline to deliver the final product: September 30th 2020...
Terre des hommes (Tdh) Regional Office in Hungary is launching a Call for graphic design services for the i-RESTORE project. Tdh needs to design three national research reports (each in two language versions) and the global research report (in English) of the project.   Start date: 21 August 2020...
Update : we extend the deadline until August 24, 2020 Terre des hommes Foundation in Romania is looking for a communication agency to help raise awareness of the ”Keeping Children Safe in Sports” project. The services are required between October 2020 -March 2021. Please see conditions below and...
Legea educației naționale prevede că statul garantează minorilor care solicită sau au dobândit o formă de protecție în România, minorilor străini și minorilor apatrizi drepturi egale de acces la toate nivelurile și formele de învățământ preuniversitar și universitar, precum și la cele de învățare...
A short description of our actitivity in Romania (for English speakers). 
O descriere pe scurt a activității Terre des hommes în România
A short description of our actitivity in Romania (for English speakers). 
Terre des hommes is looking for three curriculum developers/trainers to develop and conduct face to face and online training courses about restorative justice and its application with child victims in Albania, Greece and Romania. Location: ALBANIA, GREECE and ROMANIA. One curriculum developer and...
Terre des hommes Romania is looking for a Consultant within the Precision project, in order to launch the activities in the Targu Ocna FabLab. Please see the Terms of Reference below.   Place of work:               Targu Ocna, Bacau County Reports to:                    Project Manager Work...