Terre des hommes launches five unique podcast episodes on gender-based violence affecting children


A series of five podcasts in Romanian were created within our BRIDGE project with the voluntary participation of five experts in gender violence from academic and non-profit backgrounds. Podcasts for social professionals were published on SoundCloud and anchor platforms and on the YouTube channel and can be listened to for free.


The five specialists are:


Laura Grünberg, Professor, PhD, at the Faculty of Sociology and Social Work, University of Bucharest.

Irina Costache, Associate Professor, PhD, at the  Faculty of Political Science, University of Bucharest.

Oana Băluţă, Associate Professor, PhD, at the Faculty of Journalism and Communication Sciences, University of Bucharest.

Ana Rădulescu, Associate Professor, PhD, at the Faculty of Sociology and Social Work, University of Bucharest, President of the Federation of Social Work for Europe, and Associate Professor, Director of the Centre for Training and Evaluation in Social Work in Romania.

Andreea Ghimpu Lupașcu, Legal Adviser, Romanian National Council for Refugees (CNNR).


Gender-based violence, or GBV, is violence against a person because of their biological sex or gender identity. It disproportionately affects girls and women, but boys and men can also be victims.

BRIDGE - “Building Relationships through Innovative Development of Gender-Based Violence Awareness in Europe” - is a project funded by the European Commission through the “Rights, Equality and Citizenship” Program (2014-2020).