Judge Cristi Danileț believes that teachers should be trained on the concept of restorative practice. He talked about forming networks of school counsellors and psychologists, as he considers that trainings in schools in Romania could be held on such topics as restorative practices.
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Apariții în media
Aici puteți găsi trimiteri către articole și alte materiale din mass-media despre activitatea Terre des hommes România
At the beginning of March, Terre des hommes Foundation launched the Resilience and Innovation Centre in Bucharest.
"This new centre is a space equipped with 3D technology, for creation and learning through play, for children and young people aged between 7 and 18. The Resilience and Innovation…
Our media partners at ENTR, a project of RFI, have created a video interview about our project against violence in schools. LINK video
The wellbeing of children can be approached with a business perspective and so it should, says a foundation that has been working with this goal (children`s rights) for the past 30 years. Of course, with the ``profit`` being the good of a greater number of children and youth.
Terre des Hommes…
The Terre des hommes Foundation has been working in Romania for almost 30 years, on projects aiming to protect the rights of children and improve the lives of the most vulnerable of them.
We've talked to Kirsten Theuns, Head of Eastern Europe Delegation of Terre des hommes Foundation, about the…