Our partners

shine bus

Our approach to promoting children's rights and improving the child protection system is only possible with the help of our partners and funders, whom we thank for their support.


Institutional partners: Ministry of National Education, Ministry of Work and Social Justice, National Authority for the Rights of Persons with Disabilities, Children and Adoptions, General Inspectorate for Immigrations, D.G.A.S.P.C. București, D.G.A.S.P.C. Dolj, D.G.A.S.P.C. Olt, D.G.A.S.P.C. Gorj, D.G.A.S.P.C. Neamț, The Romanian Federation of Football, The Romanian Federation of Gymnastics, The National Agency Against Trafficking in Persons, The National Administration of Penitenciaries, Educational Centers from Buziaș, Târgu Ocna, Craiova, Tichilești, National Probation Directorate, School Inspectorate Ploiești

Academic Institutions: Faculty of Social Work Bucharest, Faculty of Social Work Craiova, National College of Social Workers, York University Canada, University in Ioannina


NGOs from Romania: UNICEF, SOS Children`s Villages Romania, World Vision Romania, Save the Children Romania, Federation of Non-Governmental Organizations for Children, Coalition for the Rights of Migrants and Refugees, Agency for Community Development Together, Bethany Association, Archipera Association,  Habitat for Humanity, Global Humanitarian Lab, Integrity Action, Pestalozzi Foundation Romania, Roma Center Amare Rromantza, Roma Center for Health Policies - SASTIPEN, PACT Foundation – Partnership for Community Action and Transformation, NESsT Foundation, Policy Center for Roma and Minorities, Romanian Football Association, Resource Center for Non-Profit Organizations in Oltenia, Community Foundation  București.

NGOs from other countries: FGS Spain, AFEJI France, PH4K Greece, Greek Refugee Council, KOPIN Malta, Defence for Children International Belgium, FEDASIL Belgium, ARSIS Greece, Brave Phone Croatia, Center for Youth Integration Serbia, International Juvenile Justice Observatory Belgium, PILNET Hungary, Barnardos SECOS Great Britain, PULSE Foundation Bulgaria, Stichting Alexander Netherlands, Child Circle, Young in Prison, Slovenska filantropija, Fundacja Ocalenie (Poland), Organization for Aid to Refugees (Czech Rep), Restorative Justice (Netherlands), European Forum of Restorative Justice (Belgium), Eurochild (Belgium), Consortium of ICARO Social Cooperatives (Italy), Accessophia (Spain), Achievement for All (Great Britain), The Northampton Center for Learning Behavior (Great Britain), Child Rights Centre (Serbia)

Other Terre des hommes delegations: Terre des hommes regional office for Central and South East Europe, Terre des hommes Moldova, Terre des hommes Jordan, Terre des hommes Albania, Terre des hommes Moldova, Terre des hommes Kosovo


UNHCR, the UN Refugee Agency, European Commission, Swiss-Romanian Cooperation Program, Botnar Foundation, OAK Foundation, Austrian Development Agency, Norway Grants, EEA Grants, Fedevaco (Federation Vaudoise Cooperation), Canton Geneva, Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation, Missing Children Europe, MEDICOR Foundation, Orange, Fondation Orange, Active Citizens Fund Romania programme funded by Iceland Liechtenstein and Norway through EEA and Norway Grants 2014-2021, The European Union contracted by the International Centre for Migration Policy Development through the Migration Partnership Facility, Crisis and Support Center of the Ministry for Europe and Foreign Affairs of France, the City of Zurich, Oak Foundation, Z Zurich Foundation, and Swiss Solidarity Foundation.