Know our team

The Terre des hommes team in Romania works from its central office in Bucharest and implements projects with the help of the team in Craiova and Bacău.  

Laura Sava studied Sociology and has a Master in Community Security and Violence Control. At Terre des hommes she started working in 2010 as a project manager, then trainer, program manager, and in 2016 she also assumed the role of advocacy officer. She completed courses in multiculturalism, ethnicity and social conflict at Utrecht University in the Netherlands. Her areas of expertise: prevention of violence against children, public policies related to education, restorative justice, inclusion and migration, development of partnerships and international cooperation, social change. Since 2019 she is Vice-President of the Board of Directors of the National Federation of Organizations for Child Protection, and since 2023 President of FOND.


Laura Sava-Ghica
Country Representative

She is a graduate of Psychology and has a Master of Cognitive Behavioral Therapies. She has been involved in many Terre des hommes projects since 2011, all related to the psycho-social approach and participation of children or the improvement of the situation of vulnerable children and young people. In recent years she has coordinated or worked on juvenile justice, migration and child protection projects. She is currently the project manager for the Safe Environment for Children in Sport, but is also involved in training and facilitation.


Cristina Vlădescu
Project Manager

A graduate of a Master in Public Policy Evaluation, she has been working in the social field for 20 years and understands the needs of migrant children. She has been working at Tdh since 2018 and she appreciates that the organization has made helping migrants a priority.


Rodica Novac
Rodica Novac
Senior Protection Officer

Ana Vladescu has a degree in Criminology and Psychology, and a Master`s degree in Global Security, with a dissertation on the use of violence against non-combatants in asymmetric warfare. Before joining Terre des hommes, she has worked for two years in the NGO environment in Romania, implementing projects on human rights topics, regarding the Holocaust and encouraging civic education for teenagers and students. She has also worked as a trainee within the Blue Book at Frontex, in Warsaw. At Terre des hommes she managed several projects preventing gender-based violence, and now she is the Manager of the Access to Justice Programme.  She feels proud to be able to work in an organization that fights for real and lasting change, especially when it comes to minimizing violence and preventing abuse against children.



Ana Vladescu
Programme Manager

She joined Terre des hommes in 2013 and feels very lucky to work with such energetic, dedicated and passionate people. Prior to joining the Tdh team, her professional experience was in the hotel and service industry. She has a degree in finance and a master's degree in the tourism industry. "Tdh gave me the opportunity to become a specialist in human resources and, at the same time, to participate in one of the most beautiful missions in the world - helping children."


Carmen Huțu
Carmen Huțu
HR Manager

A graduate in Journalism and Communication, she worked for eight years in the business and lifestyle press, then decided to use this experience in communication jobs for various national and international NGOs. Shee believes that every person is a story, and the greatest satisfaction is to be useful. She is proud to promote the ambitious projects of her colleagues, which directly influence the lives of thousands of children in Romania every year.



Iulia Stancu
Communication Manager

Bogdan Borș is a young master's student in International Development at Sciences Po Paris. He strongly believes in the potential of scientific tools for creating positive change in society. Thus, he combines his vast knowledge in a variety of topics related to development in assuring all Quality & Accountability aspects towards beneficiaries and donors: developing new projects (particularly the alignment between needs, objectives, indicators and activities), building and implementing monitoring and evaluation tools, conducting situation analysis, institutional learning and strategic planning exercises.


bogdan bors
Bogdan Borș
Quality and Accountability Manager

Elena Cofaru is a professional in the field of international development, with over 5 years of experience in the development and humanitarian assistance sectors in South America and Eastern Europe. She has worked intensively in the field of child protection, gender-based violence in schools (SRGBV) and the integration of migrants, focusing on the implementation of projects and programmes as well as on research. Elena holds a bachelor's degree  (with honours) in international development from the University of Essex, England, and a master's degree in development studies from the Institute of High International studies and Development, Geneva, Switzerland. In her free time, she enjoys reading, practicing yoga and exploring different cultures.



Elena Cofaru
National Representative Romania/ Co-chair PSEA Network Romania Safeguarding Resource and Support Hub Eastern Europe

Anca holds a Bachelor's degree in Philosophy and European Studies and a Master's degree in Project Management. She has a mixed background, working in educational NGOs in Romania and Poland, both as a social worker and as a project manager. She has implemented several projects as an emergency response to the crisis created by the COVID-19 pandemic in the education sector, being involved in helping hundreds of schools and connecting children to online courses under the right to education. Since 2022, she has been working for Terre des hommes as a Team Leader coordinating the implementation of RIF (Resilience Innovation Facility) centres across Romania. Anca is also the focal point for the inclusion of adolescents and young people. 



Anca Pavel
Anca Pavel
Team Leader Emergency Response

Adriana joined Terre des hommes after having worked in the NGO environment for over 10 years. She combines her experience in the financial accounting field with the desire to help children from disadvantaged categories.


Adriana Dumitrescu
Senior Finance Officer

Natalia graduated from a Faculty of Economics, but she also studied Psychology. She has extensive experience in organizing projects, from participation in tenders for accessing funds, to implementation or evaluation. She is now a Project Manager within the Emergency Programme at Terre des hommes Romania and coordinates three projects: IURTS, Well-U and Step-in. She joined the Tdh team in order to capitalize on her experience in project management and in activities with refugees. Among her passions are painting or gardening.



Natalia Cirimpei
Project Manager

Alina is a psycho-educator and has been working at Terre des hommes since 2016. She deals with project training and, in general, covers training for professionals in the social or educational field. Since 2017, she has also been working on projects involving the participation of children, either in the field of migration or in the field of juvenile justice. She feels motivated by the multitude and diversity of Tdh projects, which have given her the opportunity to meet professionals from various fields and to develop personally and professionally.


Alina Dumitru
Alina Dumitru
Training Officer

Magda graduated from the Faculty of Engineering and Management of Technological Resources at the Polytechnic University of Bucharest and the International Relations Faculty of the Romanian-American University, but also has a Master's degree in Transport Management. She has 15 years of experience in logistics, working in the private sector. Since high school, she liked to get involved in volunteering, and when the war started in Ukraine, she got involved in the reception centers of refugees in Bucharest, trying to help them find accommodation. In this way, she heard about Tdh and realized that she would love to work in an NGO so that she could actively contribute to helping children. Her list of hobbies includes traveling, hiking and discovering new things.




Magda Puiu
Senior Logistics Officer

Andreea is friendly, optimistic, always trying to make the day better for the people around her. She is an organized person, solutions oriented and has a very good observation skills. She graduated from the Faculty of Philosophy in Bucharest and is always eager to learn something new. She joined Terre des hommes in July 2022 because she wanted to work for a great purpose, something that would make the world a better place and because she values childhood very much, and here is where she believes she can help. She is Administrative Assistant and part of her work is to ensure that all activities have the necessary support and can be carried out in good conditions.



Andreea Antonache
Administrative Assistant

Ilinca describes herself as curious, empathetic and she always wants to learn from those around her. She has a Bachelor's degree in History from the University of Manchester, she did a master's degree in International Humanitarian Action in the Netherlands, in Groningen, and is currently studying at the Faculty of Social Work at Babeș Bolyai University. She did an internship at Terre des hommes Romania in 2019, and because she really liked the environment, the warmth, and the professionalism of the people here, she decided to join the team at the end of 2022. She has experience in the field of migration, working so far in several NGOs. Now she is a Programme Officer and an important part of her work is to ensure the necessary support for the activities within the Emergency Response Programme. She loves to spend time in nature, go hiking and reading.   



Ilinca Costin
Programme Officer

Olga is an empathetic, patient, and optimistic person. She graduated from the Faculty of Psychology and Educational Sciences at Babes Bolyai University in Cluj. She has experience working with children in kindergartens and schools, joined the team in 2022 and is a teacher-trainer at the new Resilience and Innovation Facility (RIF) opened by Terre des hommes in Bucharest. Her aim is to support children in their development, growth, and exploration process so that they develop digital skills and learn the principles of resilience in a challenging situation. She strongly believes that education must be done with empathy and respect to reach the soul of every child, especially those at risk. They need to find a safe space in which to grow.



Olga Mititelu
Educator - Emergency Response

Vanda is an ambitious young woman who graduated from the Faculty of Psychology in Moldova. She joined the Tdh team in 2022 to be able to help people in difficult situations as much as she can. She is a Translator/Interpreter for Romanian-Russian languages, and part of her work consists in ensuring a good communication between our teams and the beneficiaries, but also in transmitting important information to children and parents, clearly.




Vanda Ceban

Alexandra graduated from the Faculty of Sociology and Social Work at the University of Bucharest, and her work experience is in the field of human resources, especially in recruitment and personnel management. Her passion for HR is the opportunity she has to get to know many people and their different career paths. Besides this, she has the opportunity to bring in talented people with potential to enrich the organisation. She chose to join the Tdh team because she resonates completely with its purpose. She admires people who contribute to social welfare, even more so when it comes to children and their support. She enjoys learning from those who help and make good things happen.



Alexandra Jercan
HR & Admin Officer

This is Francesca, a passionate advocate for education with a special focus on developing contexts. With a foundational background in Sociology and International Relations and a master's in international development studies, she started her career enhancing educational opportunities and outcomes in diverse settings. In the bustling world of an ed-tech Start-up, she was deeply involved in crafting course curricula, mentoring 70+ students on their educational journeys, and strategically managing and training a vibrant team of 100+ mentors to ensure the delivery of transformative educational experiences to ensure access to quality University education.  Currently, at Tdh she is leading a team of educators to implement educational activities for more than 200 Ukrainian children across Bucharest and Brasov and implementing ICAM methodology – a methodology useful for professors to facilitate Ukrainian children inclusion in schools. In her free time, she loves gallivanting around the globe, spending time with her friends, reading books, dancing, speaking in a mix of the 6 languages she knows and joining in the different cultural events Bucharest has to offer. 



Francesca Nicora
Team Leader Emergency Response

Sînziana Dobre has studies in Political Sciences, Social Anthropology and Community Development, and Applied Ethics. She had more than 20 years’ experience in civil society field, with a focus on advocacy and youth participation, and public administration. Her area of expertise: public participation, advocacy, community development, youth participation, coalition building, applied ethics, multiculturalism. She is currently working both as a social education and sociology teacher in public education system and as an Advocacy Officer for Terre des hommes. She is currently aiding migration projects on advocacy issues and providing support to the development of Consultative Migrants Forum.



Sînziana Dobre
Advocacy Officer

At Terre des hommes Foundation, Alexandra currently coordinates projects for the prevention of violence and gender-based violence in the school environment and the prevention of school dropout. She graduated from the Faculty of Economic Sciences and Business Management and has a degree in Economics and International Business. She is currently a student of the National School of Political and Administrative Studies, Communication and European Affairs profile. He started her activity as a manager coordinating a national and international network of young volunteers, implementing various youth initiatives and contributing to the training of over 300 young volunteers from Romania. She has experience as a summer camp coordinator, community development trainer and trainer in Project Management, Active Participation and Design Thinking.

Alexandra Necsuleu
Alexandra Necșuleu
Project Manager

He is a graduate of the Faculty of Social Work in Craiova and has been working for the Terre des hommes Foundation since 2008. He was National Manager of the MOVE Project during 2008-2012 and of the PRAEVENIR project, implemented by Terre des hommes in Romania. He is currently managing a mentoring program for young people released from detention centers. In 2019 he received the Social Assistant of the Year Award for Social Inclusion-Social Economy.


Mihai Enache
Mihai Enache
Project Manager

A graduate of the Faculty of Social Work, he has been working in the non-governmental sector for over 10 years as a social worker, training consultant, project coordinator, vocational counselor and education specialist, especially in rural communities, within the Terre des hommes Foundation projects.



Marius Cernușcă
Marius Cernușcă
Logistics and Admin Officer

Cicerone Bosuioc created platforms for personal development courses for young people, such as public speaking, personal knowledge and self-knowledge or career plan, and has experience working with young people in re-education and penitentiary centers. He held workshops on awakening personal motivation and team spirit. As a development mentor, he provides support in balancing personal balance between success and failure in achieving personal goals, individual and group counseling. At Terre des hommes he carried out training activities (trainer), and was the coordinator of the team of mentors. Now he is the team leader of Emergency Response team in Brașov.



Cicerone Bosuioc
Team leader of Emergency Response team in Brașov

Svetlana is very experienced in management, being licensed in Economic Sciences and being a student at a Master's degree in European Law. Also, her activity as a consular officer opened her professional path in relations with various categories of beneficiaries (she has offered consular services to Romanian citizens abroad).  When the refugee crisis in Ukraine began, she did not hesitate for a moment to volunteer at the General Consulate of Romania in Balti and to help Ukrainian citizens obtain the necessary support to reach Romania or obtain refugee status. As an extension of the consular activity related to the Emergency aid for the Ukrainians, Svetlana became part of the Terre des hommes team, working as a translator, and then as Project Officer in the project to support the Community of Ukrainian refugees who found shelter in the Brasov area, Romania.



Svetlana Vrabie
Project Officer for Emergency Response - Brașov