Authors: Artem Basmanov, Darina Bashkatova, Alina Shevchuk, Mariia Shus, Nikita Vygovsky, Rostislav Vygovsky, Sofia Dolomanchuk, Tina Stus, Varvara Druzhynina, Viacheslav Vygovsky. Editor: Olga Mititelu, Evheniya LautaDesign: Samira Natour, studio Zvâc In 2024, we…
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In restorative justice (which "repairs", not punishes), the goal is to understand and the focus is on reconciliation and emotional healing. Other principles include justice, solidarity, respect, truth, inclusion. Restorative practices include mediation, restorative conferencing, restorative circle…
This leaflet contains important information for Ukrainian children refugees who are living in Romania.
Terre des hommes Foundation in Romania publishes its annual report where over 15 projects present their results. Our mission to support the rights of children in Romania continues!
The report aims to identify and analyse good practices and training needs with regard to protecting migrant children’s rights in Bulgaria, Greece, Italy, the Netherlands, Spain and Romania.
It has been developed by a team of international experts within the SUN project - Safeguarding Unaccompanied…
Migrant children who travel alone need to be protected by adults, by the authorities, they need help in order to find a safe environment and have access to their rights.
In this context, Terre des hommes Romania along with its SUN project partners are working on a training needs assessment…
Members of the Consultative Forum of Migrants in Romania realised there is little to no information for foreigners with regard to Romanian healthcare system and migrants’ rights in Romania.
Therefore, they decided to create a leaflet explaining the role of a family doctor, structure of the…
Children Left Behind by Labour Migration: Supporting Moldovan and Ukrainian Transnational Families in the EU (“CASTLE”)
Children Left Behind by Labour Migration’ is a 30-month action that aims to support the Republic of Moldova and Ukraine in improving their child…
The following are a series of handbooks and work exercises that Terre des hommes created, in order to help Ukrainians of all ages to learn Romanian independently.
They have been created with the financial support of UNHCR, the UN Refugee Agency, the delegation in Romania, and Swiss Solidarity, at…
Terre des hommes Romania, Terre des hommes Moldova and Terre des hommes Ukraine have implemented CASTLE -Children left behind by labour migration together with Babeș-Bolyai-Cluj University (coordinator), Ukrainian Institute for Social Research after Oleksandr Yaremenko and the Academy of Economic…
We seek to protect unaccompanied migrant children and for this purpose we need well-trained professionals who cooperate at international level.
Terre des hommes Foundation, along with its partners, intends to provide transnational exchange of knowledge and good practices, training of practitioners…
7.1 million! That's the number of children and their communities that Terre des hommes has supported worldwide in 2022, directly by our teams or by people we trained, in 30 countries.
The MGSC methodology uses sport, games and creativity as a psychosocial tool to ultimately develop the personal and social skills of vulnerable children, and therefore improve their resilience and psychosocial wellbeing.
It uses an INSTRUMENT - games and sport (another instrument could be…
Romanian specialists from the Ministry of Justice, Ministry of Education, Deputies from Romanian Parliament, international experts from UK, the Netherlands, Estonia, Italy, Belgium met in Bucharest within a conference, on 11-12 May 2023, in order to find a way and bring restorative practices closer…
This manual is addressed to service providers in destination countries for economic migrants from Ukraine and from the
Republic of Moldova. Aware of the fact that there have been important changes in the motivations and forms of
migration from Ukraine (as a country of origin), we tried to…
This report exposes the outcomes of a needs assessment on children and restorative justice, based on a desk review and on several inquiries carried out with stakeholders. It covers the accessibility of restorative justice practices for children in contact with the law in Greece and the Netherlands…
Estonian and Romanian specialists wrote a report presenting the outcome of national needs assessments of restorative justice implementation in youth cases in Estonia and Romania.
The report addresses main needs, gaps and strengths of implementation of practices for children in contact with the law…
The purpose of this report is to provide general information with regards to the security situation in the Syrian Arab Republic, covering 2022.
The report was written within the PROMISE project (protecting the unaccompanied migrant minors) by specialists from the Jesuit Refugee Service Romania…
The purpose of this report is to provide general information with regards to Human Rights, and Security Situation in the Islamic Republic of Iran, covering the period from September 2022 to December 2022.
Particularly, the report presents the situation of human rights related to the protests…
The text of the brochure is in Ukrainian, as it is dedicated to Ukrainian children in Romania and their families.
This is an original illustrated brochure about how Terre des hommes has supported Ukrainian children and families in Romania. It is written from the perspective of children who tell their parents back home about their experience in Romania. The texts were created from recounts from our colleagues…
The brochure was produced by Terre des hommes specialists and consortium partners within the Clear Rights project, with the aim of creating a useful document available to lawyers and those who provide legal assistance to young people in contact with the law.
In the brochure you will find a short…
The project i-RESTORE 2.0: ”Accessible Quality Restorative Justice processes for children in contact with the law in Europe”, intends to promote restorative practices and strengthen capacities of justice and child protection professionals.
Throughout this project we will help children…
The purpose of this report is to provide general information with regards to Human Rights, Humanitarian and Security Situation in Ukraine, covering the period from late February 2022 to early September 2022.
The report was written within the PROMISE project (protecting the unaccompanied migrant…
This research addresses the situation of children remaining in the origin country while their parents migrate for work. Its approach shows how the rights of the children are affected, but also the practices that can enforce such rights. Being part of an action research project that also involves co…
In 2021, the teams of Terre des hommes Romania, Moldova and Ukraine initiated a project in 25 partner schools named ACTIV: ACT Against Violence!, in order to analyze the phenomenon of gender-based violence and violence in schools in Eastern Europe and to…
The Terre des hommes Romania team formed within the ACTIV project: ACT Against Violence!, has helped a number of 225 teachers better understand the issue of violence and gender-based violence in schools. The purpose of the training that took place between April and…
This brochure was developed within the Solidarity FabLab Târgu Ocna project, carried out by Terre des hommes Foundation with the support of the Orange Foundation. The project aims to cultivate the entrepreneurial skills (especially technical, digital and IT) of young people in the area (Bacau…
Brochure developed by team professionals of the PRECISION project (Promote Rehabilitation, Empowerment of Children and Support for Youth OffeNders), that focuses on the re-education and socio-professional reintegration, offering minors and young people in educational and detention centers in…
The research project Gender-based violence in schools in Romania, Moldova and Ukraine is one of the first international attempts to systemically and comparatively investigate the phenomenon of gender-based violence (VBG) at the level of Eastern Europe, by…
This material was produced within FOCUS, a project co-financed by the Rights, Equality and Citizenship programme of the European Union. The content of this material is the sole responsibility of the authors and does not reflect the opinions of the European Commission. The European Commission…
Every year, thousands of children choose to join a sports club or participate in recreational activities such as day camps and summer camps. Participation in these activities promotes the healthy development of the child. However, we should be aware that sports and recreational activities can…
What we did, how we worked and with whom, who supported us and mostly what are the results of our work in 2020 ?
This is the official report for Terre des hommes Romania in 2020.
How is restorative justice applied in Romania when child victims are involved? We invite you to read an extensive research conducted in consultation with children and stakeholders in Romania.
The research was conducted within our project "i-RESTORE - Better protection of the rights of child…
This brochure is addressed to all children and youth who have been direct or indirect victims of gender-based violence.
This brochure has been created within the BRIDGE project for Terre des hommes (Romania). BRIDGE was implemented under the lead of the Regional Office of Terre des hommes for…
Leaflet developed at the initiative of Terre des hommes Foundation in Romania under the BRIDGE Project, funded from the ”Rights,
Equality and Citizenship” Programme of the European Union (2014-2020).
The contents of this leaflet represent the views of the author only and are his/her…
Child friendly material -awareness about gender-based violence
This is a flyer designed as a newspaper for children who want to understand what gender-based violence is and how it can be stopped.
This flyer has been created within the BRIDGE project for Terre des hommes (Romania), that…
A short description of our actitivity in Romania (for English speakers).
This document constitutes the training programme for youth facilitators and has been developed primarily for use at youth facilitator trainings organized as part of the BRIDGE project.
This manual was prepared within the framework of the “Building Relationships through Innovative…
This Guide contains practical and useful information, provides guidance and will be extremely valuable to the volunteers of the Community Action in the educational institutions. Once interested in becoming a volunteer of the Community Action, the first question will probably be: “What do…