Authors: Artem Basmanov, Darina Bashkatova, Alina Shevchuk, Mariia Shus, Nikita Vygovsky, Rostislav Vygovsky, Sofia Dolomanchuk, Tina Stus, Varvara Druzhynina, Viacheslav Vygovsky.
Editor: Olga Mititelu, Evheniya Lauta
Design: Samira Natour, studio Zvâc
In 2024, we published the storybook “In the Footsteps of Our Fears”, in Romanian and Ukrainian. The stories were written and illustrated by 10 children we work with at the Resilience and Innovation Center in Bucharest, during a storytelling workshop, coordinated by Evheniya Lauta, a psychologist and mother from our community.
Since 2023, children from Ukraine have come to our Resilience and Innovation Center in Bucharest every day to participate in 3D printing, writing or painting, and video animation workshops. Sometimes they have come for boardgame evenings or to play and make friends in their home language. Other times, to learn Romanian, make mărțișoare, or prepare cozonaci.
Our mission at Terre des hommes is to support refugee children to integrate and find a home in the country where they were forced to take refuge. We are happy to be with them in bringing their ideas to fruition, and the idea for this book was theirs.
Thank you UNHCR România who have made the storyelling workshop and the book possible.