
Our support for Ukrainian families in Romania
We respond to the needs of children, youth and mothers arriving in Romania


We are looking to contract a researcher to conduct a rapid needs assessment (RNA) of child suspects and defendants in Romania during a time of digitalization and to coordinate the development and piloting of feasible and practical solutions in line with Terre des hommes Romania’s guidance…
In the past two months, dozens of children from eight schools in Romania designed and implemented original initiatives to combat violence in schools with the support of facilitators, teachers and parents. In a previous phase, the Terre des hommes Foundation, together with the donor(s), had offered…
Lately the media in Romania was abundant with news about children who used weapons against each other or got into fights or ran away from home as a result of agressions from other children or adults. In other words, this type of facts are more common than car accidents. Is being safe so rare for…
In 2025 we resume the intervention in the prevention of child trafficking. Terre des hommes Romania will develop prevention and protection services in communities and schools, in collaboration with ANPDCA, the Border Police, DIICOT, ANITP and using trauma-based practices and principles and child-…
Young people from four detention and educational centres in Romania have been involved into development of an application – a chatbot – that will be useful to vulnerable children and children who seek information, legal advice and assistance online. Access to these centres is restricted, but our…
Forms of violence against children in detention are often invisible. Children may not want to inform detention staff about them because of mistrust, fear of consequences and because they are not aware of the proper procedures. Also, the staff may not be ready or fully trained to prevent and take…

Every child has the right to a childhood. It`s that simple.

Terre des hommes (Tdh) is the leading Swiss organisation for children’s aid. Through our health, protection and emergency relief programmes, we provide assistance to over four million children and their families in around 40 countries each year.

Terre des hommes has been active in Romania since 1992, helping to improve the child protection system, welfare reform and facilitating children's participation in developing one's own community.

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 Authors: Artem Basmanov, Darina Bashkatova, Alina Shevchuk,  Mariia Shus, Nikita Vygovsky, Rostislav Vygovsky, Sofia Dolomanchuk, Tina Stus, Varvara Druzhynina, Viacheslav Vygovsky.  Editor: Olga Mititelu, Evheniya LautaDesign: Samira Natour, studio Zvâc In 2024, we…
In restorative justice (which "repairs", not punishes), the goal is to understand and the focus is on reconciliation and emotional healing. Other principles include justice, solidarity, respect, truth, inclusion. Restorative practices include mediation, restorative conferencing, restorative circle…