This manual is addressed to service providers in destination countries for economic migrants from Ukraine and from the
Republic of Moldova. Aware of the fact that there have been important changes in the motivations and forms of
migration from Ukraine (as a country of origin), we tried to include in the handbook general aspects that remain valid
even in the context of the war, and to also touch on aspects that were identified in studies done on transnational families
in Ukraine. We did not address the issue of transnational families in the context of the war, as the analysis of the
consequences for this type of a crisis was not included in the project’s objectives (it was not anticipated at the time
when the project was developed), nor did we have the time necessary to gather sufficient information on how the war
affected transnational families from Ukraine and from the Republic of Moldova. It remains for other projects, studies
and researches to address in depth and adequately the issue of transnational families in the context of a war.
Transnational families_Training manual for local service providers in countries of destination_ENG
Data publicării
Fundația Terre des hommes