Romanian specialists from the Ministry of Justice, Ministry of Education, Deputies from Romanian Parliament, international experts from UK, the Netherlands, Estonia, Italy, Belgium met in Bucharest within a conference, on 11-12 May 2023, in order to find a way and bring restorative practices closer to children. The conference marked the official launching of i-RESTORE 2 project – ”Accessible Quality Restorative Justice processes for children in contact with the law in Europe”.
Representatives of remarkable institutions who attended the conference - European Forum for Restorative Justice, Restorative Justice Netherlands, Mediation Service Perspectief Herstelbemiddeling Netherlands, Calm Mediation UK, Social Insurance Board Estonia, Il Gabbiano Italy, Restorative Thinking UK, Child Friendly Justice European Network, Ministry of Justice of Estonia – debated case studies and examples from their judicial practice.
Details about conference topics and conclusions of discussions are mentioned in the above document.
i-RESTORE 2.0 project is coordinated by Terre des hommes foundation and cofunded by the European Union.