
Terre des hommes believes in an effective justice system, in which young people are not deprived of their freedom. Thus, we develop specific methodologies for professionals working with children in conflict with the law and child-friendly practices, with an emphasis on mental balance...
Objectives Over 11.000 children from 37 communities in Bacău benefit from the investments made between 2017and 2020 through the SHINE project, meaning a better social, health and education infrastructure. We started in 2017 by organizing consultations with key actors, children, parents and...
Objectives Through this project, the Terre des hommes Foundation will ensure that children and youth benefit from special safety and protection policies while they practice various sports. In the beginning, the agreements were signed by the Romanian Football and Romanian Gymnastics Federations,...
The Child Protection Hub is a vibrant community of child protection actors, committed to transforming the lives of the most vulnerable children in Southeastern Europe. Initiated by Terre des hommes (Tdh) and its partners in 2015, ChildHub empowers and connects professionals to learn, advocate and...
Objectives "Takeover Day " celebrates the right of all children and young people to participate in society and takes place every year around the International Day of the Rights of the Child (20th of  November). The concept  is simple: under the guidance of a coordinator, children and young people...
To strengthen the system that protects children’s rights and to prevent risky situations, we mobilize the communities and work with social workers, teachers and other professionals in this field. We wish to improve the resilience of children and youth and help them participate in decision...
Scop și obiective Obiectivul general al CLEAR este „îmbunătățirea accesului egal la un avocat pentru copiii suspectați sau acuzați de infracțiuni”. Astfel, ne vom asigura că ei vor putea primi asistență juridică de calitate și specializată finanțată de guvern și asistență juridică pro bono, în...
Scop și obiective Scopul general al proiectului REVIS este de a preveni, combate și răspunde la violența în rândul copiilor prin transformarea normelor și comportamentelor sociale și de gen; de a crea ocazii pentru copii pentru a contesta normele sociale și de gen care duc la violență între colegi...
Terre des hommes Romania is recruiting a Quality and Accountability Coordinator to lead the Q&A and M&E initiatives at country level. If you are looking for a meaningful job that will make a lasting impact on the lives of children, we want to meet you.
Scop și obiective Tinerii și copiii din centrele de detenție sau din centrele educative din România nu au activități suficiente de ocupare a timpului liber, iar activitățile în aer liber sunt rare. De aceea ne propunem îmbunătățirea practicilor instituționale și a serviciilor de reintegrare din...
Terre des hommes is looking for a proactive and dynamic professional to join the team in Bucharest. The successful candidate speaks English and Romanian fluently, holds a relevant degree in accounting or finance and has well-honed experience in small to medium grants management.
Terre des hommes Foundation is seeking to recruit a Deputy Director for Romania
Terre des hommes is looking for a proactive, energetic and organised Logistics and Admin Officer, to join its team in Bucharest, Romania, to support in the implementation of its projects.
Scop și obiective FabLab-ul de la Târgu Ocna a fost dezvoltat la Liceul Tehnologic din localitate, în colaborare cu Școala Națională de Pregătire a Agenților. El a fost gândit de Fundația Terre des hommes ca un spațiu dotat cu echipamente tehnologice moderne ( imprimante și scannere 3 D,...
You like to design projects and plan. You are energetic, initiative and a self-starter, passionate about fundraising and donor cultivation. You are looking for a meaningful job that will make a lasting impact. Terre des hommes Moldova-Romania-Ukraine delegation is seeking to recruit a Fundraising...
Terre des hommes is recruiting a new Head for its Multi-Country Delegation in Eastern Europe (EE MCD), covering operations in Moldova, Romania and Ukraine. Start date: As soon as possible Contract: One-year, local contract (no expatriate benefits), full-time contract, renewable.       Location:...
Terre des hommes Foundation (Tdh) is launching a Call for English language editing and proofreading services for the i-RESTORE project.
Scop și obiective Copiii afectați de migrație trec printr-o perioadă de ruptură a dezvoltării lor, a copilăriei, inclusiv a capacității de a învăța. Toate acestea pot avea efecte pe termen lung atât asupra lor, cât și asupra societății, dacă nu li se oferă sprijin și ajutor. În centrul acestui...