NOROC: Norwegian-Romanian Initiative for Quality in Education

The (project) NOROC was necessary in order to improve the quality of educational services, especially in rural areas. NOROC is an acronym for the Norwegian-Romanian Initiative for Quality in Education (meaning ”good luck in Romanian).


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Goal and objectives

The overall objective of the project was to ensure that children have access to fair and quality education by supporting and implementing measures to prevent early school dropout. Other measures considered are those who facilitate the transition rate from primary to secondary education, and from secondary to high school.

NOROC supported at least 650 children at risk of dropping out of school and 180 children with special educational needs in 5 counties in Romania.


What will we do ?

In the short term, the project aimed to combat early school dropout and facilitate the transition from primary to secondary school, and from secondary school to high school for 650 children at risk.

In the medium and long term, the intervention aimed to improve the quality of educational services by training 48 teachers and mediators in working methods with children at risk of dropping out of school and / or with special educational needs.


The beneficiaries of the measures within the project were:

  • children at risk of dropping out of school and children with special education needs (SEN) in primary and secondary school, in one or more situations of vulnerability, mainly in rural areas in 5 counties in Romania;
  • their parents;
  • teachers from the 20 schools;
  •  children attending the target schools;
  • their parents.

Terre des hommes supported schools in establishing a procedure for identifying and monitoring children at risk of dropping out of school, provided training and counseling for teachers in improving the quality of educational services, transferring working methods experienced in other projects. 650 children at risk of dropping out of school and 180 children with SEN have been supported and the quality of educational services has increased in 20 schools in Dolj, Olt, Gorj, Vâlcea and Bacău counties.

Partners: Asociația de Sprijin a Copiilor Handicapați Fizic (Romania) and FAFO Norway

The project ’The Initiative ’NOROC in Education’ - A NOrwegian - ROmanian Initiative for Quality in Education’ benefits from a 998.000 € grant from Norway through the Local Development Program. The aim of the project is to improve the quality of educational services, especially in rural areas in 5 counties of Romania.

This document has been created with the financial support of Norwegian Grants 2014 – 2021. The content of this material does not reflect the official view of the Programme Operator, of the National Focal Point or of the Office of the Financial Mechanism. The information and opinions expressed herein represent the sole responsibility of the author(s). 

The project will be implemented in the period December 2021 - December 2023.

Working together for a green, competitive and inclusive Europe 


Programul “Dezvoltare locală, reducerea sărăciei și creșterea incluziunii romilor”, finanțat prin Granturile SEE și Norvegiene 2014-2021

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