AUDIS project was aimed at enhancing legal framework and institutional and professional practices in Romania for a justice system adapted to the needs of child victims and/or witness of a crime, and child offenders. Also, we sought to work for a better promotion and protection of Children Rights and improvement of social services for children in criminal and/or administrative proceedings. We intended to enhance specialised intervention in minors’ cases by facilitating exchange of experience and practices between legal specialists, social protection and public order professionals.
- two juvenile hearing rooms have been equiped with audio-video recording devices in Craiova and Cluj DGASPC centres.
- 10 hearing procedure professionals from Romania, Bulgaria and Republic of Moldova went on a study visit to France.
- 30 professionals developed their knowledge and abilities during training sessions on juvenile hearing methods and operation of children hearing rooms.
- a participatory decision was made regarding location of the future children hearing rooms
1. Evaluation of the situation of children hearing and priority needs in Romania in order to o build and consolidate, in a sustainable manner, human abilities, logistical amenities and a proper legal frame in accordance with European and international standards regarding hearing of the minors.
2. Organisation of multi-disciplinary training sessions for legal professionals, police, social assistance and child protection specialists, NGOs, psychologists, on topics such as juvenile hearing methods, child psychology, family violence, multi-disciplinary teamwork, use of child hearing rooms.
Maria Manolache, general director of General Directorate of Social Assistance and Child Protection (DGASPC) Dolj: „Commissioning of this room is very important. We’ve been working for a year to set it up. So far, children had to go (for hearing) to various institutions and that was an emotional trauma. Now they will have to come to us only once or maximum twice. They will be assisted by a DGASPC psychologist. We address all children in a difficult situation – let’s not say children in conflict with the law, as I do not like this – in Dolj county, not only Craiova city”.
The project partners were the following: National Authority for the Protection of Child’s Rights and Adoption, General Directorate of Social Assistance and Child Protection (DGASPC) of Dolj and Cluj counties, „Dr. Alexandra Zugravescu” International Foundation for Child and Family, Association of Women against Violence – Artemis, Ministry of Justice, Ministry of Home Affairs, National Centre for Judicial Police Training, France.
Financial and technical contribution:
1. French Embassy in Romania,
2. La Voix De l’Enfant Federation
3. Terre des hommes Foundation
4. IRELEM –audio-video equipment