Court of Children’s Rights is a project where six transnational partners created an online simulation game in order to inform children and young people about their rights in various civil, administrative and criminal proceedings. The game was named StoryLab; it was designed and adapted to each partner country specifically, and benefitted from national specialists’ experience. The game will help the young users to become aware of their own rights and obligations and will empower children to use them in order to avoid risky situations.
In real life, in case of a child, appearing in court could mean “game stop”, especially if he doesn’t know his rights and obligations as a suspect, witness, offender or victim.
The StoryLab game was designed and staged by children and experts; in this game, the players face extreme situations and need to know the law in order to solve them through simulations and life scenarios that children may experience when they interact with the law as suspects, victims or offenders.
StoryLab is the first IT simulation game in Europe which approaches juvenile justice interactively. The game allows the young people to learn about their rights, create their own stories and explore the options they have in various contexts.
You can play the game here: http://game.storylab.io
”George Călinescu” School pupils involved in this project have conveyed a strong message – the ”Smiles Makers” – as they chose to draw children’s rights and use them to make smiles in order to emphasise the importance of these rights, their non-infringement and the need to observe them in any situation!
... and this is possible only through the joint effort of authorities, mixed with care, attention, understanding and love for the young people, and also a good knowledge of the law!
Court of Children’s Rights is a project funded by the European Commission (JUST / 2014 / Action Grants) and implemented by 6 transnational partners: Terre des hommes Hungary (applicant), National Network for Children - Bulgaria, Brave Phone Croatia, Terre des hommes Italy, Terre des hommes Romania and Victim Support U.K.