JOBOTECA, pilot programme intended to prepare Republic of Moldova youth for the labour market

Parents, employers, authorities, local organisations, 150 teachers and 3000 youth from the Republic of Moldova shall be involved into and benefit from this future building project.



Through this extracurricular school programme we intend to improve abilities of youth from 24 schools of 5 districts of the Republic of Moldova, in order to prepare them for the labour market. During 3 years of Joboteca, we will create friendly spaces (job libraries) where young people can access technology, information, specific training, vocational counseling, entrepreneurship, life skills development.  These spaces will also have an online version (a special website), so that the training may involve a big number of students. Among  other activities, we will organise a student camp and an entrepreneurship idea competition.


1.To develop and strengthen abilities of  3.000 youth aged between 15 -25 years  who will receive assistance in order to prepare for the labour market  

2. To offer technical and financial support to community organisations that may assist the integration of minimum 250 youth into local economic activities. 

3. To improve awareness, knowledge and  access level of teenagers and youth from 24 communities to local employment opportunities. 


Project activities will begin  with  an analysis of business environment in the partner districts, its availability to conclude partnerships with schools and support youth in internship programmes.  An Entrepreneurial Consulting Group will be established in each district. 

 Also, we will conduct a youth-led Participative Activity Research (PAR) in order to assess  youth involvement and participation into their communities and labour market, their psycho-social wellbeing  and how they understand career development. In line with Terre des hommes principles, we will make a youth ”advisory board” that will be consulted throughout the project and involved at each project stage. 

 Beside creation of special spaces, the teachers will be trained so that they can animate the Jobotecas and perform skill development and vocational counseling activities with registered teenagers.    

Within Joboteca project we will organise a local edition of Take Over Day campaign that Tdh Romania has been running for 10 years in order to encourage mentoring and offer children the opportunity to test the desired profession for a day. Take Over Day – Moldova edition  will bring to public attention and essential child right – participating in the society.

 Tdh Moldova, Tdh Romania and the Ministry of Education, Culture and Research of the Republic of Moldova will collaborate in this project funded by the European Delegation in Moldova. 


JOBOTECA project will be implemented from April 2021 to April 2024.



Delegaţia Uniunii Europene în Republica Moldova

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