
Proiectul PRECISION 2  continuă activitatea  proiectului PRECISION (2020 – 2022) care s-a axat pe reabilitarea copiilor și tinerilor privați  de libertate și le-a oferit o șansă în viață. Având la bază rezultatele proiectului anterior, PRECISION 2 a  fost  conceput astfel încât să ajute în...
i-ACCESS MyRights project takes shape from the assumption that innovative artificial intelligence (AI) driven-based solutions to access information are of paramount importance to improve access to justice for children that come in contact with the justice system, specifically for child victims. An...
PRECISION 2 builds on the project PRECISION (2020 – 2022), which focused on the rehabilitation of minors and young people deprived of their freedom, in order to give them a chance in life. Based on the previous project results, PRECISION 2 was drafted to continue to offer Children and Youth...
Terre des hommes Romania is recruiting an Intern to work for the Access to Justice Programme in Bucharest. The ideal candidate is a student in law, social sciences or other relevant discipline and he/she is passionate about the field of justice. If you are looking for a meaningful internship that...
Goal and objectives In Romania, young people and children in detention or educational centres do not perform sufficient activities in their spare time, and the outdoor activities are scarce.  For this reason, we intend to enhance institutional practices and reintegration services in detention and...
Court of Children’s Rights is a project where six transnational partners created an online simulation game in order to inform children and young people about their rights in various civil, administrative and criminal proceedings. The game was named StoryLab; it was designed and adapted to...
Terre des hommes is looking for a proactive, energetic, and organised Senior Finance Officer, to join its team in Bucharest, Romania, to support in the implementation of its projects. If you are looking for a meaningful job that will make a lasting impact on the lives of children, we want to meet...
AUDIS project was aimed at enhancing legal framework and institutional and professional practices in Romania for a justice system adapted to the needs of child victims and/or witness of a crime, and child offenders. Also, we sought to work for a better promotion and protection of Children...
A research study, ”Alternatives to prosecution of minors in Romania” was carried out within the AWAY project. The study analyses the institutional architecture, the juvenile justice legislation and its practices.  The research performed by PhD professor Durnescu and Corina Popa, presents...
Terre des hommes Regional Hub in Budapest is looking for a Regional Program Coordinator Access to Justice to lead the development of the program in the European context. Send your application as soon as possible. The job remains open until position is filled.
Terre des hommes is recruiting a proactive, energetic, and organised Logistics Manager. S/he will join the team in Bucharest, to support in the implementation of the emergency project dedicated to the Ukrainian refugees and also to the regular projects already ongoing. If you are looking for a...
The Safeguarding Resource and Support Hub for Eastern Europe program serves organisations and people responding to the war in Ukraine. It provides practical and accessible safeguarding resources to reduce the risk of harm to those they work with.   Context: Governments, NGOs, faith-based...
„Safeguarding Resource and Support Hub for Eastern Europe" oferă resurse practice și accesibile de garantare a siguranței cu scopul de a diminua   riscul vătămării, prejudiciilor sau daunelor a tuturor celor implicați în răspunsul umanitar. Programul se adresează organizațiilor și persoanelor care...
Goal Through this extracurricular school programme we intend to improve abilities of youth from 24 schools of 5 districts of the Republic of Moldova, in order to prepare them for the labour market. During 3 years of Joboteca, we will create friendly spaces (job libraries) where young people can...
Terre des hommes Regional Hub in Budapest is looking for a Regional Access to Justice Technical Advisor to support the development of the Access to Justice (A2J) Programme in the European context.
Objectives The main objective of the CLEAR-Rights project is ”to improve equal access to a lawyer for children suspected or accused of crime”. We will make sure that they will receive quality and specialized government-funded legal aid and pro bono legal assistance, in line with Articles 6 and 18...
Proiectul i-RESTORE 2.0 se derulează pornind de la realizările proiectului  i-RESTORE  (2019-2021), care s-a axat pe promovarea justiției restaurative în cazuri care implică copii victime ale infracțiunilor, și perfecționarea abilităților profesioniștilor în drept. Pe baza rezultatelor acelui...
i-RESTORE 2.0 project builds on the i-RESTORE project (2019-2021), which focused on promoting the use of restorative justice in cases involving child victims of crime and strengthening the capacities of justice professionals. Based on the results of that project, i-RESTORE 2.0 was drafted to go a...