The goal of Solidarity FabLab Târgu Ocna project was to develop activities that help raise the entrepreneurial skills and employability of the youth in Bacau area, Romania.

Solidarity FabLab (Fabrication Laboratory) Târgu Ocna project proposed activities that developed entrepreneurial skills (mainly technical, digital and IT) of the youth in the area, thus helping them to enter the labour market.
The FabLab project, implemented by Terre des hommes Romania Foundation, continued the activity started in 2020, being funded by the Orange Foundation in the period October 2021 - February 2023. The workspace was organised in Târgu Ocna Technological Highschool and it was provided with digital equipment, so that the youth became familiar with 3D modeling and 3D printing technology. The space was set up to welcome both students from high school, young people from the Educational Centre, as well as children and young people from middle schools, NEETS or others from surrounding communities.
Through this project, Terre des hommes Foundation and Orange Foundation gave an opportunity to young people from Bacau county to develop their creativity, to explore and learn, to build life and entrepreneurial skills and to gain access to a support community of peers, local organizations, private companies and entrepreneurs. The direct categories of beneficiaries were children and young people from vulnerable groups, children in conflict with the law, children affected by migration.
Solidarity FabLab Târgu Ocna project was funded with 53 213 euro by Orange Group Foundation and Orange Romania Foundation.
Orange Foundation is a not-for-profit organisation which participates into community life by developing philanthropy projects that are meant to make positive changes in disadvantaged people’s life. Since 2012, Orange Foundation has invested over 6 million euro in programmes for development of vulnerable communities and integration of disadvantaged persons by promoting and implementing technology and digital methods in education, cultural and social inclusion projects. For details, please visit