Do you want to give shape to an idea? Do you need to multiply an object ? Do you want to remake a broken piece?
The Technological High School of Târgu Ocna organizes three-dimensional (3D) printing workshops addressed to children and young people aged between 12 and 24 years, between October 3 and December 20, 2022, every week from Saturday to Tuesday, between 9.00-18.00.
Under the guidance of a passionate teacher you can set your imagination free and put into practice personal or school projects.
The course is free of charge. The transport for those who come from other localities is reimbursed.
Details at phone number 0744.650.685.
We live in a world of technology, where digitalization opens many horizons. Young people who come to these courses and learn three-dimensional printing will have a chance to find a job very quickly.
The workshops are organized within the Solidarity FabLab Târgu Ocna project, developed by Terre des hommes Foundation and funded by the Orange Group Foundation and Orange Romania Foundation.