Fundatia Terre des hommes angajeaza Asistent Proiecte care sa sprijine activitatea proiectelor si a managerilor de proiect.
Dacă esti în căutarea unui loc de muncă cu un impact pozitiv de durată asupra vieții copiilor, dorim să te cunoaștem.
Trimiteți aplicatia dvs. cât mai curând posibil. Aplicatiile vor fi analizate pe masura ce le vom primi. Pozitia rămâne deschise până la ocuparea postului.
Posturi vacante
Vino în echipa Terre des hommes România
Dacă vrei să te implici activ în respectarea drepturilor copilului, vino să lucrezi pentru biroul din România al Terre des hommes, cea mai mare organizație elvețiană din domeniu. Cariera ta va fi dedicată binelui copiilor.
Momentan nu avem posturi vacante. Mulțumim pentru interesul acordat! Vă rugăm să reveniți periodic pentru a urmări ce noutăți avem.
Posturi vacante și solicitări de consultanță la nivel mondial.
Anunțuri vechi
Termenul limită pentru a aplica:
Termenul limită pentru a aplica:
Terre des hommes is looking for proactive, energetic, and organised Project Officer, to join the teams in Bucharest, to support in the implementation of our activities.
If you are looking for a meaningful job that will make a lasting impact on the lives of children, we want to meet you.
Send your application as soon as possible. The job remains open until position is filled.
Termenul limită pentru a aplica:
Terre des hommes Romania is recruiting a Project Manager to contribute to the intervention in Romania on prevention, combatting and responding to peer violence in schools and other settings. The ideal candidate has experience in child protection, social protection.
If you are looking for a meaningful job that will make a lasting impact on the lives of children, we want to meet you.
Submit your CV at your earliest convenience. We will review applications on rolling basis. The job remains open...
Termenul limită pentru a aplica:
Terre des hommes is looking for a proactive, energetic, and organised HR Generalist, to join its team in Bucharest, to support in the implementation of its projects.
If you are looking for a meaningful job that will make a lasting impact in the lives of children, we want to meet you.
Submit your CV at your earliest convenience. We will review application on rolling basis. The job remains open until it is filled.
Termenul limită pentru a aplica:
Fundatia Terre des hommes România angajeaza Psihopedagog in Jud Dolj, in cadrul proiectului NOROC in Educatie.
Dacă esti în căutarea unui loc de muncă cu un impact pozitiv de durată asupra vieții copiilor, dorim să te cunoaștem.
Trimiteți aplicatia dvs. cât mai curând posibil. Pozitia rămâne deschise până la ocuparea postului.
Termenul limită pentru a aplica:
Terre des hommes Romania is recruiting Team Leader to coordinate the mobile teams for the emergency response for the refugees’ crisis, in Romania. The ideal candidate has experience in child protection, emergency interventions, social protection.
If you are looking for a meaningful job that will make a lasting impact on the lives of children, we want to meet you.
Send your application as soon as possible. The job remains open until position is filled.
Termenul limită pentru a aplica:
Terre des hommes Romania is recruiting a Project Manager to lead the PRECISION 2 project in Romania. The ideal candidate has strong experience in criminal justice, child protection, social protection and/or development aid.
If you are looking for a meaningful job that will make a lasting impact on the lives of children and youth, we want to meet you.
Termenul limită pentru a aplica:
Terre des hommes is looking for a proactive, energetic, and organised HR professional, to join its team in Bucharest, to support in the implementation of its projects.
If you are looking for a meaningful job that will make a lasting impact in the lives of children, we want to meet you.
Termenul limită pentru a aplica:
Terre des hommes Romania is recruiting an Intern to work for the Access to Justice Programme in Bucharest. The ideal candidate is a student in law, social sciences or other relevant discipline and he/she is passionate about the field of justice.
If you are looking for a meaningful internship that will make a lasting impact on children and youth lives, we want to meet you!
Termenul limită pentru a aplica:
Terre des hommes is looking for a proactive, energetic, and organised Senior Finance Officer, to join its team in Bucharest, Romania, to support in the implementation of its projects.
If you are looking for a meaningful job that will make a lasting impact on the lives of children, we want to meet you.