Unaccompanied migrant children are vulnerable and at risk because they are children, they are on foreign territory and they are not taken care of by an adult. Through this project we will protect them and their rights.
SUN project is aimed at safeguarding the rights of young refugees and child migrants separated from their families by applying the provisions of the EU Charter of Fundamental Rights and fostering the transnational exchange of knowledge and good practices.
The Charter of Fundamental Rights of the European Union (CFREU) is a powerful instrument to protect and guarantee the fundamental rights of all persons on the territory of the European Union.
What will we do?
1. We will strengthen professionals’ capacity to safeguard the rights of young unaccompanied migrants through the CFREU;
2. We will facilitate national and cross-national level cooperation of key actors concerned with legal representation, reception, care and education of unaccompanied child migrants in terms of protecting and promoting their fundamental rights;
3. We will strengthen the knowledge and ability of legal practitioners and independent human rights bodies to engage in litigation practices at national and European level;
4. We will raise awareness about CFREU role to safeguard the fundamental rights of unaccompanied child migrants.
Direct beneficiaries: lawyers, legal practitioners, social workers, guardians, teachers, school headmasters, parents
Final beneficiaries: young migrants, unaccompanied and separated refugee children, communities of migrants and refugees
Project duration: 1 April 2023 – 1 April 2025
The project is implemented by a team of seven specialised organisations: Foundation for Access to Rights (Bulgaria) – project coordinator, Arsis Koinoniki Organosi Ypostirixis Neon (Greece), Terre des hommes Romania, Sirius Policy Network on Migrant Education (Belgium), Stichting Nidos (Netherlands), Associazione Volontarius Onlus (Italy), Associacio Comissio Catalana d’Ajuda al Refugiat (Spain).

Project funded by ”Citizens, Equality, Rights and Values” Programme of the European Union.