PROMISE - protecting the unaccompanied migrant minors

Unaccompanied migrant children are vulnerable for two reasons: because they are children and because they are asylum seekers. Through the PROMISE project, some of them were helped to become aware of their rights and to access public services provided by law.


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Goal and objectives  

The PROMISE project aimed at enhancing the access for migrant children and young people to their fundamental rights and to public services. To this purpose, we developed various activities such as advocacy services, free legal assistance, information, training and increasing the capacity of vulnerable groups to be involved in decision making and consultative process. Also, we supported collaboration between institutions, and collaboration between institutions and foreigners, in order to ensure that the best interest of child is respected and in order to improve policies, legislation, practices and attitudes.  

What have we achieved ?

  • advocacy activities, free legal assistance,

  • activities involving young migrants in advisory and decision-making process, visibility related activities.

  • we created a Consultative Migrant Forum in Romania, made of 10 young migrants

  • training sessions for lawyers were held, so that they can understand the specific needs related to asylum cases

  • public institutions were informed with regard to the situation of migrant children and youth, and how the institutions could improve services that migrants benefit from in Romania.

  • a research study was conducted about situation of unaccompanied child migrants in Romania

  • a Standard (compilation of most important general and specific recommendations, such as migrant child’s first contact  with authorities) was created following a consultation process along with state institutions and independent organisations  

  • 28 children /youth were helped in court by lawyers from the legal network created within the project (different cases, different nationalities)

  • law students were informed about asylum seekers and cultural differences that migrants of various origins bring „in their baggage”.


  • Migrant Forum young people were trained on advocacy, so that they can represent their communities in dialogue with public institutions

  • 28 children and youth received legal assistance  

  • approximately 200 lawyers, law students,  representatives of institutions and organisations with competences in minors’ issues, parents and legal representatives of unaccompanied minors were involved in this project.

Project implementation period: June 2022 - December 2023.


One out of three children who lives outside his/her country of origin is a refugee, according to UNICEF. 1 356 564  refugees have arrived in Romania since the end of February 2022, out of whom approx.  314 000 children (29.39%) and  580 000 women (5.,29%), according to statistic data of 14 July 2022. There were 83 936 Ukrainian refugees in Romania in 2022.

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PROMISE project facebook page





The project was implemented by Terre des hommes Foundation in partnership with Jesuit Refugee Service (JRS) Romania and benefitted from a 149 917.43 Euro grant through the programme Active Citizens Fund Romania, funded by Iceland, Liechtenstein and Norway through EEA Grants 2014-2021. The content of this website does not necessarily reflect the official position of the EEA and Norway Grants 2014-2021.

For more information, visit More details about Active Citizens Fund Romania are available at

Active Citizens Fund (ACF) Romania programme is funded by Iceland, Liechtenstein and Norway through EEA Grants 2014-2021. EEA Grants are part of  EEA and Norway Grants 2014-2021. * EEA = European Economic Area   *ACF is managed by a consortium made of Civil Society Development Foundation, Partnership Foundation, Resource Centre for Roma Communities, PACT Foundation and Frivillighet Norge.

Islanda, Liechtenstein și Norvegia prin Granturile SEE 2014-2021

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