The i-Restore project aims for better protection of child victims, with the help of restorative justice -Better Protecting Child Victims’ Rights through Restorative Justice.

The objective of the I-RESTORE project is to promote the use of restorative justice nationally, in cases where child victims are involved. Restorative justice is a friendly practice with child victims, as it seeks to better protect them.
At the end of the two years of the project, in November 2021, professionals in the field will have more information and advocate for the use of restorative justice in Romania, Greece and Albania. Moreover, children and young people will be involved in the project, know more about their rights, and , in turn, promote the concept.
Restorative justice aims to heal, repair, and prevent: it focuses on the needs and rights of the victim, the motivation of the perpetrator , and the role of the community. Restorative justice is a method by which the offending child, the victim (only with his or her consent) and, where appropriate, other persons and members of the community actively participate together in solving problems arising from the offence. The restorative process may include mediation, conciliation, conferences, and restorative circles, but also other practices such as compensation, community counselling and community service.
Review of knowledge/practices/capacities in Restorative Justice and child victims;
Consultations with policy makers and practitioners on Restorative Justice and child victims;
Consultations with children to engage them in advising on Restorative Justice and child victims;
Adapting e-learning and face-to-face training material on Restorative Justice;
Training for professionals and children on Restorative Justice and child victims’ rights;
Child-led national awareness-raising campaigns and advocacy events on Restorative Justice and child victims.
Type and number of the project beneficiaries
1000 children in Albania, Greece and Romania, including 30 from Child Advisory Boards;
90 national practitioners working in criminal justice;
90 national policy makers developing policies affecting children;
5000 professionals and individuals across Europe for awareness-raising;
3000 members of the general public.
Expected results
Better understanding among the general public of the state of art for child-sensitive Restorative Justice;
Greater number of cases in which child victims access Restorative Justice as a form of justice that serves their needs/rights;
Increased capacities of children to take on an advisory role pursuant to Article 12 of the EU Victims’ Directive;
Increased capacities of interdisciplinary practitioners to apply Restorative Justice in cases involving child victims;
Greater cooperation and better understanding of policy makers and non-governmental organisations;
Improved shared knowledge and mutual learning among EU/non-EU justice stakeholders to develop Restorative Justice processes with child victims and effective child participation.
Project Coordinator
Terre des hommes Regional Office in Hungary
Partners: European Forum of Restorative Justice (EFRJ), Restorative Justice Netherlands, Terre des hommes Romania, Terre des hommes Greece
i-RESTORE is co-funded by the Justice Programme (2014- 2020) of the European Union.
Proiectul i-RESTORE este cofinanțat de Programul „Justiție” (2014-2020) al Uniunii Europene.