Terre des hommes Romania – new member of Child Friendly Justice European Network


Starting with May 2023, Terre des hommes Romania has become a full member of the Child Friendly Justice European Network. This will allow us to advance the work on child justice in Romania.

Child Friendly Justice European Network (CFJ-EN) is co-funded by the European Union. Its mission is to ensure that justice systems are adapted to children’s needs and specificities at local, national and European level.

The Network is composed of 19 expert organisations acting and advocating for child friendly justice with one unique and strong voice across 17 European countries. Its  work is grounded in the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child and in the Guidelines for a child friendly justice developed by the Council of Europe.

In CFJ-EN perspective, adapting justice systems to the child means creating a justice system which guarantees respect and effective implementation of all children’s rights, giving due consideration to the child’s level of maturity and understanding, and to the circumstances of the case. In particular, this means that justice systems should be: accessible, age-appropriate, inclusive, speedy, diligent, adapted to and focused on the needs and rights of the child, respecting the rights of the child including the rights to due process, to participate in and to understand the proceedings, in respect of private and family life.