Terms of Reference for External Evaluation for the Project “Misto Avilean”



Terre des hommes is looking for an external evaluator for the project Misto Avilean ((in romani, Welcome) Migration = Integration: Service Transfer Optimisation — MISTO” funded by the European Union, “Rights, Equality and Citizenship Programme (2014-2020)”

Please see the complete Terms of Reference in the document attached below. 

The external evaluation has three main objectives:

  1. Accountability: obtaining an objective and independent assessment of the results achieved so far compared to initial project (objectives, results, target group, indicators, outputs and deliverables);
  2. The accountability is also towards the funder (EC): the evaluation reports is one of the project deliverables; towards partners and beneficiaries, exploring the value of the project and interventions for them, considering their views.
  3. Learning: understand the effects of the project and promote common thinking and learning
  4. Decision: Contribute to decision making and steering for the three final months of project implementation

During the contract, the Evaluator will provide as deliverables (all of them in English):

  1. INITIAL (INCEPTION) REPORT – in 1 week – comprising:
  • Context analysis based on project basic documents: Initial project (annex to the grant agreement), EC imposed regulations and subsequent agreed changes, Internal Tdh regulations, Consortium agreements, Deliverables already reported to the donor on EC reporting portal, instruments and tools prepared and communication and promotion materials;.
  • Data collection plan, methodology and instruments for the: • desk research on documents (types of documents to be analysed and needed from partners, key analysis points to use during the document review), • interviews and/or focus groups with team members and associates (list of people to be interviewed, interview and focus group guides), • feedback/views collected from beneficiaries and participants like teachers, professionals, other stakeholders (contacting beneficiaries online, list of beneficiaries to be contacted, discussion guides).
  1. DE-BRIEFING and presentation of findings from the field – in 4 weeks (after the previous stage) – comprising:
  • Data collection report (documents analysis, interviews with the team and associates, feedback from beneficiaries and participants);
  • Short review indicating the first findings, provisional conclusions, main trends identified etc.
  1. PRELIMINARY REPORT – in 2 weeks (after the previous stage) - comprising
  • Narrative report (min. 20 - max. 25 pages);
  • Summary table with the main conclusions and recommendations (separate list for the ones related to the short, medium and long term) and the lessons learned;
  • Short review and PPT with main conclusions and recommendations.
  1. FINAL REPORT – in 2 weeks (after the previous stage) - comprising:
  • Executive summary (max. 3-4 pages);
    • Narrative report (max. 30 pages);
  • Summary table with the main conclusions and recommendations (separate list for the ones related to the short, medium and long term) and the lessons learned;
    • Annexes: Containing the technical details of the evaluation, surveys protocols and questionnaires when the case, protocols of interviews, tables or graphics, secondary review references, persons and institutions contacted, a PowerPoint presentation of the findings and recommendations, transcription of relevant selection of interviews, focus groups, observations (the group of transcripts requested will be agreed before the start of the data collection).

After each stage a feedback meeting is organized with Tdh and feedback is incorporated in the evaluation document.