In a changing world, it is important to find effective ways to help children who face social and integration challenges. The IURTS (Integration of Ukrainian Children through Sport) project aims to do just that, offering Ukrainian children a unique opportunity to integrate into the community through sports activities.
Integration of Ukrainian Refugee Children through Sport (IURTS) will involve the sports sector to develop and deliver educational, fun and age-appropriate materials and training for schools and sports organisations, as well as engaging a wider network of sports organisations in a coordinated approach to support Ukrainian children with trauma, psychosocial stress and resettlement in new communities.
The partners in the IURTS project are: V4Sport (Poland), Suceava Sport for All (Romania), ISCA (Denmark), University of Cassino and Southern Lazio (Italy), Terre Des hommes Romania, Laureus Sport for Good (UK) and associated partners in Ukraine: Sports Committee of Ukraine and League of Tolerance.
The overall objective of the project, also presented at the launch meeting, is to support the integration of Ukrainian refugee children through sport by collecting and developing practical, targeted and scalable resources, such as:
1) Collection of best experiences and development of materials in efforts to integrate Ukrainian refugee children through sport, with a focus on schools and sports clubs.
2) Piloting materials and activities in Poland and Romania, with specific focus on peer learning programmes and evaluation and improvement of materials.
3) Extending impact by involving more organisations in the integration of Ukrainian refugees through sport across Europe.