Having in mind the need to protect child victims, our i-RESTORE project experts designed an e-learning course to build and increase the capacities of professionals working with child victims and child offenders in the criminal justice system, in terms of child-victim-friendly restorative justice approaches and mechanisms.
The e-module is addressed to justice professionals, restorative justice practitioners, child protection professionals, teachers, educators, policy makers, students, researchers.
The course comprises 4 modules that can be watched in about 4-6 hours, and it is now available for free in Dutch, Estonian, Romanian, Greek, Albanian, English and Hungarian.
The participants who register for the course and follow it will be granted a certificate in the end.
i-RESTORE 2.0 project - ”Accessible Quality Restorative Justice processes for children in contact with the law in Europe” is coordinated by Terre des hommes foundation and co-funded by the European Union.