Bucharest, October 21, 2023 - Terre des hommes Foundation is organizing an event dedicated to Romanian and Ukrainian children under the aegis of childhood, friendship and peace.
This wonderful festival offers a variety of activities for children of all ages, including:
- Street animation and circus show
- Artistic programme on stage
- Creative workshops where children will have the opportunity to develop their creativity by painting on t-shirts/bags.
All children present will receive a kite to launch as a symbol of peace in a special event.
Participation in the event is possible by filling in one of the two registration forms: RO - Festival of Childhood and Peace (google.com) , UA - Фестиваль детства и мира (google.com)
The event is organized by Terre des hommes Foundation, with the support of UNHCR Romania and with the participation of AMURTEL Aid Association, Parada Foundation and Malva Day Centre. The event is hosted by the Roaba de Cultura.
For more information, call 0756 250 328.