More than 100 people - representatives of authorities, partner organizations, implementation teams, donors, teachers and school children beneficiaries and researchers from Romania, Moldova and Ukraine gathered online to launch this initiative that brings three countries together to protect children.
Elena Cofaru, project manager, Tdh Romania, showed the scale of the project that will involve both teachers and children: “The project will create a community of 250 students and 375 teachers, all actors of change, which will be developed at the level of regional level of Eastern Europe. ”
In the project "ACT - Act against violence", three delegations of Terre des hommes (from Romania, Moldova and Ukraine) join forces to combat the phenomenon of violence against children in schools. Its aim is to bring about positive changes in gender-based violence in schools in terms of attitudes and behavior on the part of children and in terms of strategies for preventing and combating violence by teachers. Gender-based violence means any type of violence caused by harmful social and gender norms.
As Irina Costache, Researcher, pointed out: "As long as we do not change our sensitivity and we do not understand that authority does not necessarily mean a high tone of voice, threats and labeling, it will be complicated to create programs that effectively eliminate violence"
In the online conference hosted by Daniela Gheorghe, Executive Director of the Federation of Non-Governmental Organizations for Children, there were interventions on the project and on topics related to gender violence in schools by the following guests:
Laura Sava Ghica, Deputy Director Terre des hommes Romania
Oana Tiganescu, Senior Grants Officer, Fundația pentru Dezvoltarea Societății Civile
Adina Codreș, Senior Adviser at the National Authority for the Rights of Persons with Disabilities, Children and Adoptions Romania
Irina Costache, Researcher
Elena Cofaru, Manager of the ACTIV project, Terre des hommes Romania
Teodora Rebeja, National Coordinator, Terre des hommes Moldova
Oxana Indricean, Head of the Psychopedagogical Assistance Service within the Directorate of Education from Soroca district in Moldova
Serhii Dakhno, Manager ACTIV, Terre des hommes Ukraine
Tetyana Tkacheva, Deputy Director of the Department of Education and Science, Luhansk Regional Administration, Ukraine
The project is implemented by Fundația Terre des hommes Elveția (România), in partnership with Reprezentanța din Republica Moldova a Fundației Terre des Hommes Lausanne – Elveția and The Separate Division of Terre des Hommes Foundation in Ukraine, and benefits from a 194.067 euros grant from Active Citizens Fund Romania, programme funded by Iceland, Liechtenstein and Norway through the EEA Grants 2014 -2021. The content of this website does not necessarily reflect the official position of the EEA and Norway Grants 2014-2021; for more information visit www.eeagrants.org. More details about Active Citizens Fund Romania are available at www.activecitizensfund.ro.
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