15 324 beneficiaries across all our projects in 2023


In 2023, Terre des hommes Foundation in Romania has worked to protect children, as it has for the past 30 years in the country. We continued our efforts in preventing school-related violence, particularly school-related gender-based violence, but also the efforts to support migrants and to aid them with integration within the host country. Additionally, we have continued our efforts to protect children in Romania who are in contact with the law, and ensure their rights are respected, even if they are in detention.

Although this year has been challenging, we were able to work with a total of 15 324 beneficiaries across all our projects.

For the benefit of Ukrainian refugees in Romania, we have worked within three Resilience Innovation Facilities (RIF), which are digital innovation spaces designed to be safe, inclusive, and contextually responsive. Children of all nationalities can find and learn how to use  IT tools, services, while community connections are built for and with children and youth affected by migration. As a protection imperative, these spaces ensure that their rights are respected and safeguarded. Activities such as: digital skills building, Romanian and English language learning, educational activities (afterschool only for Brasov and Bucharest), Mental Health and Psychosocial activities focused on movement, games, sport and arts; child advisory board, individual and group psychosocial support.


We currently operate one space in Bucharest, one in Brasov and one in Constanta.


We have also worked within the following locations:


  1. Bucharest- Ienachita – Vacarescu School: school and educational hub; afterschool activity focused on Romanian language learning via the afterschool teacher.
  2. Bucharest: Casa Siqua - hotel that offered accommodation center for refugees; afterschool activities focused on English language learning;
  3. Malva - Ukrainian Community Center - English and Romanian language classes for children
  4. Centrul de Migratie Brasov - integration center for refugees - English and Romanian language classes for children
  5. Kastel Brasov - Kastel Youth Hub - Center for Education and Social programs- language classes
  6. Rolang - Language School in Bucharest - Romanian and English language
  7. Mihai Bravu National College Bucuresti - life-skills and Romanian language classes
  8. UTCB - Refugee Accommodation Centre - life-skills, non-formal education, and Romanian language classes
  9. Robin Hood - Centre for Unaccompanied and Separated Children - life-skills, including employability learning activities
  10. Buftea - Refugee Accommodation Centre - life-skills


There is still so much to do for all the children in need!