Start date: 23rd September 2021
Location: Craiova, Romania
Deadline to apply: 17 September 2021 at 14.00 (Bucharest time) (the call can be closed if a suitable candidate is found before this deadline, but the recruitment is on-going until the consultancy is filled)
Terre des hommes (Tdh) is the leading Swiss organisation for children’s aid. Since 1960, Tdh has helped build a better future for vulnerable children and their communities, making an impact with innovative and sustainable solutions. Active in around 40 countries, Tdh works with its own teams and/or local and international partners to develop and implement field projects which significantly improved the daily lives of over four million children and members of their communities in 2019, in the domains of health, protection and emergency relief.
Through our Access to Justice programme, we encourage states in Europe to provide effective access to justice for children in contact with the law. We support the implementation of non-custodial measures for children and of stronger procedural safeguards. Through innovative methodologies, we engage with children to ensure that we understand their views. At regional level, we facilitate the sharing of best practices and learning, awareness-raising and advocacy for child-friendly justice.
In Romania, Terre des hommes has been active since 1992. Every year thousands of children in Romania and their families benefit from projects under three main intervention areas: strengthening child protection and juvenile justice systems, children affected by migration, and social inclusion of vulnerable groups such as Roma minorities.
The "PRECISION: Promote Rehabilitation, Empowerment of Children and Support for Youth Offenders" project aims to give these children and youth a chance in life.
During the implementation of the project, we invest in better detention conditions for children and we strive to support the professional training of the staff, by helping them develop child-friendly practices and use movement, games and sports in their activities with children and young people. Tdh aims at offering children the space and means to express their opinions and contribute to decision making and facilitating social reintegration which will support youth to follow vocational training in various fields.
The main objective of the consultancy is to help 40 children and youth from the Craiova Detention Centre to become better prepared for their future social reintegration.
The consultancy has the following specific objectives:
- Conduct an initial assessment of children and youth from Craiova Detention Centre concerning their needs (studies, skills, fields of activity that interest them) related to vocational training and employment.
- Create a map/network of potential employers from all over the country willing to hire former detainees and connect them with the detention facilities. This would provide access of detention facilities to a ready-made network/map containing contact data and profile of the employers who would hire youth upon release. This would substantially increase the youth’s chances for reintegration and it will prevent reoffending. This activity would provide the youth with a real and tangible solution for prospective employment.
- Create vocational training and employment plans for at least 40 children and youth from Craiova Detention Centre (concrete plans aligned with the initial evaluation but also with the existing possibilities/ opportunities for each young person).
The Contractor will work under the supervision of the Project Manager and Project Assistant of the PRECISION Project.
The expected deliverables are the following:
The total number of working days to be used for this assignment should not exceed 30.
All dates might be slightly adjusted upon agreement with Tdh Romania. All sessions and materials should be produced in Romanian; however, reports for proof of delivery should be produced in English.
Candidate can apply as: An agency / company, able to issue invoices with tax registration in Romania.
Candidates should have a team of consultants with:
• Advanced degree in the field of human resources, social work, education, psychology, or equivalent.
• Proven experience in assessing vocational training needs and in developing employment plans.
• Proven contacts with employers from Craiova and all over Romania.
• Excellent writing and communication skills, ability to communicate in a clear and sensitive manner.
• Excellent oral and written skills in both Romanian and English.
The candidates are required to submit a financial offer, clearly indicating the total costs for this assignment, based on daily rate. Prices should be expressed in EUR, based on a total amount of no more than 30 full working days required to carry out the service. Prices should be inclusive of all expenses, charges, taxes incurred by the Contractor in fulfilment of its obligations.
Contract and payment: Tdh will sign a consultancy contract with the consultant company. The payment will be divided into three tranches, paid after the completion of each deliverable specified above: 30% after the first deliverable; 20% after the second deliverable, and 50% after the third deliverable, together with a full activity report.
Additional costs for logistics, transportation, accommodation, per diem etc. will not be covered separately by Tdh.
Qualified applicants are requested to submit:
1. Updated CVs of the team members who will be in charge of this assignment
2. A Portfolio with examples of similar work
3. A Cover Letter (please submit a short description of the company)
4. A Financial offer
Incomplete applications will not be taken into consideration.
Child Safeguarding Policy: To commit to respect Tdh Risk Management Policies including: Child Safeguarding Policy, Safety and Security Policy and Anti-Fraud/Corruption Policy, Whistle Blowing Policy. Gender & Diversity Policy: To commit to respect Tdh Gender & Diversity Policy.
Please note that only short-listed candidates will be contacted for the first interview.
- Level of intent of the applicant
- Relevant previous experience
- Financial offer.
Please send your letter of intent, C.V. and financial offer to marius.cernusca@tdh.ch and mihai.enache@tdh.ch before 17 September 2021 at 14.00 (Bucharest time)